Longtide Studio Blog

Getting Cosy This Winter

Getting Cosy This Winter

I’m a huge hygge fan. Who doesn’t like to get all snuggled up in their favourite pj's and chill?

My top tips to a bit of self-hygge care:

  1. Plan one evening every week that you are going to have a cosy night
  2. Buy a pair of snuggly pj's or find your favourite pair. Wash them and fold them ready with your favourite blanket
  3. Fill your hot chocolate station with your favourite hot chocolate and toppings. Mine is Clipper hot chocolate with squirty cream and sprinkled with Galaxy Ripple and mini marshmallows
  4. Choose a feel-good film or book
  5. Decorate your room with things that make you smile, a 'let’s get cosy sign', some soft lighting and close the curtains to shut the rest of the world out
  6. You are almost ready for a top hygge night. 

Run a bath or take a warm shower whatever makes you more relaxed, get into your pj's, make your signature hot chocolate and go get cosy.