Longtide Studio Blog

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Cosy

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Cosy

Cosy season is here! We love autumn at Longtide Studio, it's the perfect excuse to hibernate a little, snuggle up and unwind a bit after the hectic rushing around, outdoor living and the feeling of pressure to enjoy every bit of sunshine of the summer.

We've come up with the ultimate guide to getting cosy, so you can make the most of it this autumn...

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Best Wild Swimming Spots in Devon

Best Wild Swimming Spots in Devon

Pulling on your swimsuit, feeling the breeze on your skin and the sand between your toes. The thrill of the cold water hitting your legs for the first time, the squeals, the laughter, the fun! Nothing beats wild swimming for us, and we're lucky that we've got so many on our doorstep.

So let's discover the best wild swimming spots in Devon...

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